Brand New Homes Vs Used Home

Should you buy a new home or buy a used home?
"We don't build them like we used to. We build them better."
There was a time when people used to say, "They don't build them like they used to" and it was probably correct. But today, it is no longer true: new homes are much better constructed. The building industry has come a long way in the last 10 years. Technology and higher standards have improved the way we build. Local codes have forced builders to build to higher standards. Improvements include:
- Energy efficiency through Energy Star and Green Building.
- The involvement of Structural Engineer and engineered products has improved overall integrity.
- High Tech wiring keeps up with today's demands for information and comfort.
- Stricter enforcement of higher standards by local building officials means increased comfort; safety and efficiency's
- Newer floor plans what will bring more money when it is time to sell. In other words a better investment in the future.
- Lower cost to maintain.

Here are other articles written on the same subject by Rick Merlini:
- New Homes are Smart Homes
- New Homes And High Tech Extras
- New Homes, New Bathrooms, New Ideas
- Buying New Homes Make More Sense
- Why Buy A New Home Built Green
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